Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mitt Romney Finally Clinches the Nomination


It seemed like an eternity but the former Governor of Massachusetts finally accumulated enough votes to be the Republican presidential nominee.
Maybe now the race will get more exciting? I am admittedly a bit bored. The initial phase of the republican nomination process including the many debates were quite entertaining but now all I read about are polls that show President Obama and the former Governor are neck and neck in many states. The only big stir up lately was when mayor Cory Booker of Newark-a Democrat-stated that he was "nauseated" by the President's attack on Mitt Romney's career at Bain Capital. Cory Booker was soon defending himself and refusing to let Republicans use him as a Democrat attacking the President. Really? Is this all we got? It is clear that most voters main concern is the economy (duh) and Independent voters will likely be the deciding factor in November.


Monday, May 28, 2012

Words of Admiration for First Lady Michelle Obama and Secretary of State Hilary Clinton

Strong, Smart, Successful, Powerful, Influential. Oh- and wife and mother.  Even if you do not agree with their political views, it is hard to not admire these 2 women. Both women have high approval and favorably ratings of roughly 66%. Here is why....

Most are aware that Michele Obama was raised on the south side of Chicago but has an Ivy league education with an undergraduate degree from Princeton and a law degree from Harvard. After law school she returned to Chicago to work at the law firm Sidley Austin where she met her future husband. She campaigned brilliantly for him during the race for the presidency in 2008 and gave the keynote address at the 2008 Democratic National Convention. She is the mother of their 2 beautiful daughters and has become a fashion icon often compared to former first Lady Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.

The First Lady has had two main focuses while in office. Along with the vice president's wife-Dr.Biden, they have been touring the country promoting "Joining Forces". An organization that assists military families. It showcases ways ordinary Americans can support and  help these families by pledging service hours and sending messages of thanks, ensuring veterans get the opportunities they have earned, supporting military spouses and creating a stronger connection between the American public and military families.

Her other main focus has been the fight against childhood obesity. With her "Let's Move" campaign she has promoted exercise as well as healthy eating and living for children and families. She has made appearances on TV shows such as "The Biggest Loser" during which she exercised with the trainers and contestants. She has also planted a vegetable garden at the White House.

Besides all of the above attributes, The First Lady is to me just a basic likable human being. She is simply radiant. In every speech or TV appearance that I have viewed, she is eloquent, funny, supportive of her husband and this country and speaks with love and pride when discussing her children and her husband. When asked what is her most important role, she always states its being a mother. She is a great example of multitasking at its best fitting the image that most of us have of a First Lady.

Secretary of State Hilary Rodham Clinton. Yes the Clintons are well known and have been in the news for decades. Rightfully so as President Bill Clinton served 2 successful terms as President amid scandals and impeachment. Even as Governor prior to his presidency, the rumor mill of improper conduct had begun but the former first lady stood by her husband. She most definitely has lived up to their wedding vows of "for better or for worse" :-) During this time she also raised their daughter Chelsea who is successful in her own right having attended Stanford and Columbia, who worked at a consulting firm in NYC, the Clinton Foundation and as a NBC news special correspondent and is also now a wife. I am sure Hilary Clinton had her own agenda in being a loyal wife to her controversial and successful husband including her failed attempt to get health care legislation passed during her husband's presidency. She then ran against the current president in 2008 for the Democratic nomination. Ironically, her approval ratings were lowest around that time. Many Americans, including Democrats, saw the Clinton's as very polarizing figures. Democrats were afraid that they were so disliked that Republicans and Independents who don't normally vote would turn out in droves to vote against Hilary Clinton for President. I felt this overshadowed her talents and intelligence and her platform. I was very pleased that she was chosen by the President for a cabinet position as Secretary of State. Only the 3rd woman in US history to do so. Finally, Hilary has had her chance to shine in front of and not behind her husband.

As stated above, as Secretary of State Hilary Clinton has had her highest approval ratings. So much so that there is talk of her running for the presidency in 2016. She is currently 64 and therefore would be 69 in 2016 if she decides to run. But she doesn't look it!! If anything I think she looks younger and more alive than she has in years. This year there were photos published of her literally "letting her hair down", drinking a beer and dancing in Columbia after several long days of work there with the President and her cabinet. The pics went viral! I think most people like myself were happy to see someone who has endured so much negativity in the press, due to her personal and public life, get to just simply-have fun. She has also been photographed recently without makeup and wearing her glasses vs contact lenses. Again, good for her. She has earned the right at her age and service to feel comfortable and relaxed on occasion. Most women can relate to this feeling. The antidote to feeling like you always have to be "on" and "made up". There were also the "texts from Hilary" tumbler in which she took part in comedic texts sent out from a "fake" Hilary Clinton.

All that aside, she has traveled the world tirelessly as a successful Secretary of State. She has done so with a strong hand and negotiating constantly on our President's behalf and with our country's best interest at heart. Going up against world leaders who are mostly still male is not an easy feat especially as a petite woman and in countries in which women are still considered to be second class citizens.
For all this and more I say-Bravo Hilary!! Bravo!


Saturday, May 19, 2012

To be or not to be Entitled.

The definition of entitled:to give a person or thing a title, right or claim to something.

Recent media stories and my current work experience keeps bringing this word into my head. I have also heard republicans mention it in debates stating that they are against entitlement. I cant say I blame them.

Being born in America does entitle you to A LOT. Once you are born in this country, you are considered a citizen. That entitles you to free education, free health care (if you can not afford it-more on that in a minute), the right to vote, the right to government services such as WIC, food stamps, social security, subsidized housing, medicaid and medicare.

But should being born here or legally residing in this country be all the criteria that's needed to feel entitled? Lets cut to the chase-I mean-is being a citizen or legal resident all the criteria that's needed to expect hand outs?

I currently work with a large migrant population composed of illegal-aka undocumented workers. I am sure they struggled to get to America in hopes of a better life for them and their children. Some have even left a number of children back home in countries such as Guatemala. However, even though they speak no English and are below the poverty line, they continue to have several children as many as 8, 9,10. Since the children are born here and are citizens, even though both parents are in the US illegally, they receive all of the benefits listed above. This includes free health care and vaccines at local health departments and the mothers also receive free prenatal and postnatal care at these clinics. In addition, many white, black and Spanish American women with little education, no job, and dependent on public assistance have child after child expecting everything to be handed to them. I did say many-not all. A few have even mentioned to the hospital staff that they will be back the following year since they get more money for each child. The mothers ask me to sign WIC forms that entitles them to free formula. When I mention that they need to have it signed by their primary care physician in a week, they ask me how are they supposed to get or pay for the formula for a week. I'm sorry-did you not think of that prior to having the baby? Shouldn't you have some responsibility for the child or children you created? Plus, breastfeeding is free :-)

All I'm simply asking is what happened to being responsible? If physically and mentally able, why not work hard to provide for yourself and your family and make rational choices as to how big that family should be. Nadia Suleman aka Octomom comes to mind. She chose to have 14 children and is now in jeopardy of losing her home. Because she stated several times that she would not ask for public assistance, she has posed nude and is considering porn to save her home and keep her kids. Also, a man was in the news recently that is asking for a break from paying child support for his 30 children!! No, he is not a sperm donor. He just willingly had 30 children with different women and he is not a millionaire.

Here in lies the problem. This is America and I do not think any American with a heart could stand by and watch a child go without food, shelter or an education. Also, we can not stand by and see a pregnant women without offering medical care if needed. We can not see someone who is sick and is in need of medical attention to save their life and not do so. But who pays for these services? Taxpayers. Hard working taxpayers including working class individuals that can barely provide for their own families and go without health insurance since they may be at that precarious line where they make too much to get free health care, food stamps etc but they don't make enough to pay for it. Even for those that are in the so called "high tax brackets" but not in the elite 1%, that did not inherit their money but instead worked long and hard for it, why should their tax dollars go towards paying for those that do not think before they act? To those that assume, rightfully so, that they don't have to since it will be given to them no questions asked? Shouldn't there be some punishment for such actions? After the fact, shouldn't there be some law that forces people to learn a trade and work to help provide for themselves and their families? I was struck last year by the fact that different families-2 single mothers each with 4 children- applied to rent my mother's home using section 8 vouchers. They were given a large enough amount based on how many children they had that would allow them to rent a single family house with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 car garage in a quiet gated suburban community. There were several working class families with 2 working parents and less children that could not afford it. Isn't there something wrong with this picture?

I will always agree with taking care of children, the disabled, veterans who are brave enough to serve this country and the mentally ill. But for able bodied individuals, shouldn't they want to or be forced to contribute to society, work hard and make responsible decisions vs doing whatever they want knowing the rest of the country "got their back" at whose expense? Taxpayers.


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Gay Marriage

Unprecedented. A sitting President has verbalized his support for gay marriage. President Obama previously stated that he was in support of civil unions but in a televised interview with ABC news he expressed that his opinion has evolved over the past few years. He mentioned things such as his daughters having friends with same sex parents and service men and women finally being able to be open about their sexuality while serving in the military but still not being able to marry the ones they love.

I will admit that I was surprised when Vice President Biden openly expressed his support of gay marriage recently. I am quite aware that the Vice President often speaks before thinking things through   leading to damage control by the President and the White House. I knew it would look bad if the President did not come out soon with a response or support of the same. But maybe they had a discussion about it and this was all a strategic plan to win over voters in an election year. Regardless, this is a huge deal for gay rights supporters!

In terms of the upcoming election, pollsters have mentioned that this was a risky call for the President. It will definitely make the liberal base of the Democratic party pleased. And let's face it, those opposed to gay marriage, social conservatives, were never going to vote for the President in November. However, it becomes an issue in many swing states including North Carolina. The citizens of North Carolina recently voted to pass an amendment banning gay marriage and domestic partnerships. Wow. But it is the south so can we be that surprised?

The country is roughly evenly divided in support of or against gay marriage. However, independent voters who were a major factor in electing the President the first time and will  play an important role again this year, are mostly for gay marriage.

I was surprised when I looked at the map of states that have laws allowing gay marriage and counted roughly 10. Only 10 out of 50?! This is America. Everyone has a right to their opinion. Everyone has a right to fight for what they believe is right including feeling that marriage should only be between a man and a woman. Similar to Santorum's stance that sex should only be between a married man and a woman in order to procreate. Yeah Ok.  Personally, I do not see how two men or two women getting married has anything to do with me or the breakdown of our society. If two people love each other and want to spend  their life with each other with all the benefits of marriage allowed under American law, then so be it. I know many gay couples that have been together longer than straight couples and raise happy healthy children. Isn't that what the goal of marriage should be?
