Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Gay Marriage

Unprecedented. A sitting President has verbalized his support for gay marriage. President Obama previously stated that he was in support of civil unions but in a televised interview with ABC news he expressed that his opinion has evolved over the past few years. He mentioned things such as his daughters having friends with same sex parents and service men and women finally being able to be open about their sexuality while serving in the military but still not being able to marry the ones they love.

I will admit that I was surprised when Vice President Biden openly expressed his support of gay marriage recently. I am quite aware that the Vice President often speaks before thinking things through   leading to damage control by the President and the White House. I knew it would look bad if the President did not come out soon with a response or support of the same. But maybe they had a discussion about it and this was all a strategic plan to win over voters in an election year. Regardless, this is a huge deal for gay rights supporters!

In terms of the upcoming election, pollsters have mentioned that this was a risky call for the President. It will definitely make the liberal base of the Democratic party pleased. And let's face it, those opposed to gay marriage, social conservatives, were never going to vote for the President in November. However, it becomes an issue in many swing states including North Carolina. The citizens of North Carolina recently voted to pass an amendment banning gay marriage and domestic partnerships. Wow. But it is the south so can we be that surprised?

The country is roughly evenly divided in support of or against gay marriage. However, independent voters who were a major factor in electing the President the first time and will  play an important role again this year, are mostly for gay marriage.

I was surprised when I looked at the map of states that have laws allowing gay marriage and counted roughly 10. Only 10 out of 50?! This is America. Everyone has a right to their opinion. Everyone has a right to fight for what they believe is right including feeling that marriage should only be between a man and a woman. Similar to Santorum's stance that sex should only be between a married man and a woman in order to procreate. Yeah Ok.  Personally, I do not see how two men or two women getting married has anything to do with me or the breakdown of our society. If two people love each other and want to spend  their life with each other with all the benefits of marriage allowed under American law, then so be it. I know many gay couples that have been together longer than straight couples and raise happy healthy children. Isn't that what the goal of marriage should be?


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